The EU Promulgates a Broad Set of New Rules for Batteries

1.) Northeastern States ask to DOE to support formation of Northeast States Collaborative on Interregional Transmission for offshore wind transmission development.

2.) San Francisco and the Bay Area become the first U.S. metro area in which EVs and hybrid cars make up over 50% of new car sales.

3.) With California’s Net Energy Metering 3.0 rule inplace, SunRun says 85% of new CA residential solar customers are adding batteries – up from 20% prior to NEM 3.0.

4.) Calistoga, CA to get 8 MW of hydrogen fuel cells for back-up power in the event of outages.

5.) Scale Microgrid Solutions to develop a solar-powered microgrid system to serve California’s Cadiz Water Conservation, Recovery, and Storage project. Each of 25-30 water production wells will have a 1.12 MW ground-mounted solar array joined with a 634 kW / 2.66 MWh battery, and 380 kW low-emission CHP.

6.) First Solar unveils new thin-film bifacial solar panel in its Series 6 release – a first for thin film technology.

7.) Solar and battery remanufacturing company Terrepowercommissions TN plant capable of re-manufacturing 125,000 panels annually.

8.) Mercedes-Benz signs supply agreements and plans to use more than 200,000 tons of low-carbon steel from European suppliers annually by 2030.

9.) The EU promulgates a broad set of new rules for batteries, including carbon footprint declaration label, waste collection requirements, and minimum levels of recycled content in new batteries.

10.) Renault moves into bi-directional EVs, and offers Mobilize V2G service to help Renault 5 drivers to cut costs and sell electricity services to grid.

Peter Kelly-Detwiler