Swapping EV Batteries & Mandating Chargers at Gas Stations

Chinese EV maker with half a million battery swaps; Germany requiring gas stations to put in EV chargers; Oil companies may lose as much as 2/3 of their value; NY w/massive onshore wind project

1) Chinese automaker NIO claims to have completed 500,000 battery swaps as of the end of May, a little over two years after it started, w/131 stations in 58 Chinese cities. A 3-minute swap is a better customer experience, but it's hard to see how the entire industry will shift to this approach, w/so much already invested.

2) Germany is looking at mandating that all gas stations have to offer EV charging. That could move sales just a bit.

3) London-based think tank Carbon Tracker that says that large hydrocarbon companies are at risk of seeing as much as 2/3 of their value - $25 trillion - wiped off of their books as a consequence of the forthcoming energy transition.

4) Suddenly New York thinks it's Texas. Regulators just approved a $454 million 340-MW wind farm spanning 30,000 acres southeast of Buffalo. 

Peter Kelly-Detwiler