National Renewable Energy Laboratory Teaming With Amazon

1.) U.S. storage market notches new record in Q3 2023, with 7,322 megawatt hours commissioned, including 6,848 MWh utility scale and a little under 500 MWh at customer sites. Q3 would have been far larger, if roughly 80% of planned projects had not been delayed.

2.) US solar industry also hits record Q3 numbers, with 6,500 MW installed. 

3.) National Renewable Energy Laboratory teaming with Amazon to create GHG emissions model using higher-resolution and hourly data and longer timeframes so clean energy buyers can make better informed green energy buying decisions. 

4.) AES, Constellation, Google, and Microsoft are working with renewables power purchase administrator LevelTen Energy to create the Granular Certificate Trading Alliance. They will design new marketplace for trading time- and location-specific renewable energy certificates to assist with 24*7 PPA matching.

5.) The Department of the Interior announces proposed 278,000-acreoffshore wind lease areas off Delaware and Maryland, and Virginia.  At the same time, though, the Biden Administration to cut a major portionof another Central Atlantic offshore wind lease in response to concerns from the NASA and the Department of Defense.

6.) PJM’s board approves $5 billion slate of transmission projects needed in response to an estimated 7,500 MW of data center growth and 11,000 MW of generating plant retirements.

7.) Ford will slash F-150 Lightning electric pickup production next year, from 3,200 to around 1,600 units per week, citing softened demand.

8.) Ford also working on initiative with Resideo Technologies, with joint simulation project to explore vehicle-to-home (V2H) energy management and evaluate potential of EVs to support optimal home energy management, pairing of bi-directional EV charging with smart thermostats.

9.) School bus maker Blue Bird and finance company Generate Capital form JV to offer school bus electrification-as-a-service offerings to school districts. Monthly fees will cover Blue Bird school buses and chargers, project planning and management, and fleet and charging optimization.

10.) Duke Energy disconnects large-scale batteries from Chinese company CATL at North Carolina Marine Corps base Camp Lejeune after lawmakers and experts raise alarms about CATL’s ties to China's ruling Communist Party.

11.) Japan’s latest offshore wind solicitation round includes a 684 MW project deploying 38 of GE’s new massive 18 MW turbines.

Peter Kelly-Detwiler