Leadership Lessons From Founder and CEO of Wireless Electric Charging Company, HEVO
Some months ago, I asked whether or not folks would be interested in a series of interviews with leading professionals and entrepreneurs in the clean energy space. I received a pretty strong "YES" on that one.
Fortunately, I was able to recruit Jeremy McCool - CEO of wireless EV charging company HEVO - to join in a conversation about leadership lessons. Jeremy was a perfect choice for this first session. He's creative, highly motivated to create positive change, and self-reflective. I think you will enjoy this conversation. We did! We go over seven questions that revolve around the energy conversation and are learning lessons in leadership fundamentals.
1) How did you get into the energy space, and what was that driving force?
2) What's been your biggest misstep or failure, why did it happen, and how did you respond?
3) Knowing what you know now, what one thing would you do differently in your business if you were to start over and do it all again?
4) How do you fire an employee and convey to the rest of the team that it was a beneficial decision for the company without making them feel threatened?
5) What can we expect to see from HEVO in the coming months or years?