Getting Closer to a 100+ Hour Battery? How about Hydrogen Planes?

ERROR in VID: BNEF says investments needed between now and 2050, (not 2025). OOPS!!

Storage company Form Energy says get ready for our long-duration battery in just a few years; FERC opens NOPR on transmission; BNEF says investments of between $92 trillion and $173 trillion will be needed between now and 2050 to stabilize climate; Samsung Heavy Industries joining the floating offshore wind crowd with a 9.5 MW floating turbine; UK's Go-Ahead Group plans to convert all 5,000 buses to clean fuels by 2035 and to be carbon-neutral by 2045; Universal Hydrogen signs LOI w/Icelandair, Air Nostrum, and Ravn Alaska to convert 21 existing planes to fuel cells and run on hydrogen

1) Storage company Form Energy's CEO says it will offer long duration storage to the grid by 2025, with a battery tech based on iron.
2) The FERC issues long-awaited NOPR to address transmission, to address renewables and create a more reliable grid.
3) Bloomberg New Energy Finance just released a report suggesting that investments between $92 trillion and $173 trillion will be needed between now and 2025 in order to achieve climate stability.
4) Samsung Heavy Industries rolls out 9.5 MW floating wind design, passing MHI Vestas 8.4 MW platform. Bigger machines in the offing. 5) UK's Go-Ahead Group, owner of 5,000 buses, plans to convert all of its buses to clean fuels by 2035 and to become carbon-neutral by 2045. Strategy includes bus-to-grid technology.
6) Icelandair, Air Nostrum, and Ravn Alaska have signed letters of intent with US hydrogen startup - Universal Hydrogen - to convert 21 existing planes to fuel cell electrics running on hydrogen.

Peter Kelly-Detwiler