Battery Fire in Ørsted's 20 MW Liverpool Facility

Battery Fire in the UK; FERC Clears the Way for DERS in Wholesale Markets; PA RGGI Fight Heats Up; and Google Takes Next Bold Step in Supplying Portfolio w/Clean Energy 24*7

1) Ørsted's 20 MW battery complex in Liverpool caught fire last week. Not much news out yet, but facility developed by now-defunct NEC had LG Chem batteries, (as did APS McMicken facility w/thermal runaway and explosion last yr).

2) FERC order 2222 sets path for DERs to broadly offer services in the wholesale markets. Commissioner Neil Chatterjee cited studies of between 65 and 380 GW of distributed energy resources coming online by 2025. A huge amount of information and coordination between ISOs & utilities will be required, & much stronger cybersec as well.

3) PA battle over joining RGGI heats up (both Houses oppose).

4) Google's making waves again, to carbon neutralize its entire energy ecosystem, and to match clean supply w/consumption hour for hour, setting a new bar for the industry and those with carbon goals.

Peter Kelly-Detwiler