My beginning
I’ve spent 30 years in the energy industry.
In the 90’s, after kicking around in Ghana working for Catholic Relief Services, I spent two-years in Santiago Chile working on energy efficiency programs.
In 1997, right in the middle of the newly formed competitive retail electricity markets, I spent three years as Head of Customer Care for East Coast for New Energy Ventures. I then went on to spend five years as Director of Operations for Constellation New Energy, which billed a billion dollars annually.
I went on to start Constellation’s Demand Response group, which created the capability and incentive for people to reduce their energy usage during peak consumption times.
Then, in 2012, after being Partner at NorthBridge Energy Partners, I began doing strategic consulting and writing for — my ‘secret weapon’ that gave me access to CEOs of major renewable energy and storage companies. With that access, I was able to better understand their business models and technologies. Additionally, writing for companies such as GE gave me access to experts in energy generation.
My background enables me to understand how markets work, and the interplay of technology on both sides of the meter. It allows me to see beyond the obvious, what’s connected that may not appear to be, and what’s coming next. And it helps me understand how to actually make money - or at least avoid losing it.
The numbers and the details matter. They help point to the bigger picture and the energy and economic landscape we are currently shaping.